
Susan Sommer


Make one-of-a-kind creations During the second pandemic winter, I began dabbling in a new hobby: photo painting. It goes by many names—digital painting, digital photo art, mixed media, etc. Rather than simply enhancing the original image using the usual settings like brightness, highlights and shadows, or color saturation, photo painting creates an entirely new piece of art. There are apps for transforming your photos into pieces that resemble, for example, a Renaissance painting or a watercolor or a vintage illustration, but since I was only tinkering for my own pleasure one long, dark, December evening, I didn’t bother finding new software or reading up on technique. In fact, I stumbled upon this pastime by accident. Reviewing folders of images from the fall, I opened a slightly blurry mid-October image of some dead leaves with river water rushing by in the background, a downright dull picture. For kicks, I tried the…

Talent, technology, and the creative spirit One of the best things about producing Alaska magazine is the opportunity to work with such a dynamic, talented team. I’d like to welcome two new members who’ve recently joined: Corrynn Cochran as digital content editor, and Tim Lydon as assistant editor. Readers might recognize Corrynn’s name from her former stint here as photo editor; she brings a wealth of energy and skills to our online presence. Tim is a journalist and public lands advocate who’s written for us before and now compiles The Cache section. It’s always good to have new ideas flowing and fresh perspectives on the magazine and our great state. This photography-themed issue includes the winners of our 2022 photo contest as well as a how-to article on choosing the right photo tour, a feature on macrophotography, a piece on how to have fun with photo editing, and more on…

It’s hard to pick just one Ask a dumb question, get smart aleck answers—at least from the sassiest members of the Alaska magazine team. For our staff question on page 8, my inquiry was in earnest, yet some responses were telling: It’s nearly impossible to choose just one good reason to visit Alaska, and their replies radiate incredulity at my audacious request to narrow the scope. Pick one? Preposterous! They’re right, of course. The list of reasons to explore Alaska is practically endless: natural beauty and scenic wonders, wildlife, interesting people, cultural diversity, unparalleled recreation options, abundant local foods, one-of-a-kind events, distinct seasons, geographic variety, quirky towns, find yourself, lose yourself, etc. etc. Lesson learned—never underestimate a person’s fierce loyalty to and love of Alaska. Kinship with place is not unique to the Great Land, of course, but it’s different here than anywhere else I’ve ever been. Maybe because Alaska is…

Each fall around Alaska, friends and family gather buckets and bags and head to their favorite blueberry spots. These, of course, are kept somewhat secret from the masses, but in general, anywhere there is tundra, you should look for blueberries. While high on a hillside or low beside a lake, berry picking lets your mind wander while your hands stay busy. Solve problems large and small, or just decide how you’ll use your berries throughout the winter—freeze them for pies, muffins, pancakes, and smoothies; dry them to toss on cereal; or make jam to enjoy all winter. For details on nutrition, storage, and recipes for blueberries and other Alaskan foods, visit cespubs.uaf.edu/publications.