
Contributor Guidelines

(updated September 2023) 

Alaska magazine: Exploring and sharing authentic Alaska since 1935.

The best way to get a “yes” from us is to familiarize yourself with Alaska magazine.

Alaska magazine depicts and celebrates life in Alaska through high-quality stories and images of its people, places, events, wildlife, and more. We publish 10 issues per year, with Dec/Jan and July/Aug combined.

Color photographs from professional freelance photographers are used extensively and selected according to their creative and technical merits. Articles and essays must conform to the topic and word count agreed upon between contributor and editor(s). We welcome a variety of writing styles, and quality is expected. We consider submissions of articles with or without photos. Pitch us a targeted idea, or send a completed piece. We are not able to reply to every inquiry, but if we’re interested or have questions, we will contact you.

If you haven’t written for us, we require one published and one unpublished sample before assigning anything. Or if you haven’t published, we require two unpublished samples.

We typically assign articles several months ahead of publication, so if your piece is seasonally sensitive, contact us far in advance. All features and many of the other sections follow a theme each issue. Features run from 1,200 to 3,000 words. Most other sections run 500-800 words. Our 2024 themes are:

  • FEB: Photography and photography contest winners
  • MARCH: Bucket list Alaska
  • APRIL: Fishing, water, and islands
  • MAY: Road trips
  • JUNE: Off the beaten path
  • JULY/AUG: Wildlife
  • SEPT: Parks & Refuges
  • OCT: History
  • NOV: Native Culture
  • DEC/JAN: Travel planning

Photographic submissions must be high-resolution digital images that are sharp and properly exposed. Low-res images may be emailed to the editor for initial review, but high-res finals are required for publication. Minimum pixels for full-page vertical: 2500 wide x 3225 tall; minimum pixels for two-page horizontal spread: 4875 wide x 3225 tall. We do not accept digital composites. Historical prints must be submitted as digital scans.

We rarely send contributors on assignment, but if so, all details are negotiated in advance. Please contact the editor with questions or ideas.

Alaska magazine purchases first North American serial publication and digital (online) rights. Material published in our print magazine may be used on our website and social media without additional payment unless otherwise stipulated. We pay upon publication of the print issue in which the work appears.

Send submissions to: editor@alaskamagazine.com. Please use the following in your subject line: “Query: [your topic].”