A time of renewal for all
Capsizing in my sea kayak is one of my biggest fears. Taking a class in self-rescue is on my list, and I know that completing such a task would ease my anxiety. I’ve practiced in shallow, calm, warmish lake water—and though I was able to haul myself back on deck and into the cockpit, it was exhausting and required all my strength. I ended up with bruises. Tipping over in cold marine chop far from help is another story altogether, and one we present as a feature in this issue, about an experienced kayaker whose wherewithal, preparation, and luck saved his life.
Alaska’s waters are, of course, also major sources of fun, subsistence, income, environmental data, and natural beauty. We cover all of this in these pages, from spring river breakup to a portrait of a remote island in the Bering Sea to steelhead fishing on the Situk River near Yakutat.
Anglers might know about the Situk, but most of our readers won’t, so included as a new section this month (replacing Feast), is Waypoints. Waypoints will include a map related to a piece in each issue. Who doesn’t love looking at maps and recalling trips or dreaming up new ones?
And if you’ve missed our Gear section lately, you can go to our website and find both previous and new reviews there. While you’re at it, like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for exclusive content and more stunning photos.
And speaking of photos, our 2023 photo contest opens this spring. Watch for updates online, and enter your best shots.
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