Triston Chaney, 2018 academy graduate and fly fishing guide at Bear Track Lodge in Bristol Bay, teaches fly fishing to a new batch of academy participants in 2023. The Bristol Bay Guide Academy, which was recently featured in the short film School of Fish produced by Trout Unlimited, Orvis, and others, connects local youth to jobs in guided sport fishing. For Alaska Native youth especially, the work entwines traditional connections with salmon and today’s lucrative tourism industry. “The idea for the academy came from Luki Akelkok, traditional chief of Ekwok, and Tim Troll of the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust,” says Nelli Williams, Alaska director of Trout Unlimited, which helps sponsor the academy. Williams explains that many Bristol Bay residents work in commercial fishing but that the guides at local fishing lodges are often hired from outside the area. One barrier to hiring residents has been a lack of experience…
The pink salmon population in the Pacific is booming, and hatcheries, many of which are in Alaska, are still pumping out more pinks.
What it’s like to fish and float 60 miles on the northfork of the Goodnews River, which wends through the remote Togiak wilderness.
Bambino’s Baby Food is an Alaskan-owned business that manufactures baby food using local ingredients, including sockeye salmon.
A northern spin on the famous Hawaiian musubi, a block of rice topped with protein, usually SPAM, and wrapped in nori.
During spring in southeast Alaska thousands of anglers set out in search for a giant chinook while competing in king salmon derbies.
This smoked salmon galette recipe can be made in advance or with a store-bought crust. Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Salmon caviar is all the rage because of its availability, healthy nutrients, and taste. Taste salmon roe at its best in this traditional Russian dish.
Alaska Natives have been harvesting salmon for thousands of years. Now that science is revealing more about how fish feel, should humans still eat them?
Dipnetting veteran James P. Bennett shares tips and techniques for what to do once you’ve netted a salmon and how to use the whole fish.