
taylor highway


We’ve consulted with Kris Valencia, editor of our sister publication, The Milepost; dug up Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) statistics from the Alaska Department of Transportation; and chosen three roads from across the state that are, to borrow from “The Road Not Taken,” less traveled by. Over the course of a year, these highways, or at least significant stretches of them, average 150 cars a day or less. Locals may call these roads by other names, but we are using the names stated in The Milepost. Bear in mind, if you’ve never traveled the Nome-Teller, Taylor, or Haines Highways, you’re not alone—and you’re also missing out. Runs from Nome to Teller on the Seward Peninsula. AADT: 30 cars a day (from mile 7.1 to 70.91) What The Milepost has to say: Information about the Nome-Teller Road last appeared in The Milepost in 1981. Here’s what the Bible of North Country…