
Gear Review

By Bjorn Dihle

When Ditale, an outdoors women’s clothing company, reached out to me about testing their Sofia Adventure Pants, my wife, MC, happened to be looking over my shoulder. I felt weird at the idea of reviewing women’s clothing, so, luckily MC was happy to take the task on herself. She loves Sofia Adventure Pants. They’re clearly high quality, and are warm in cool conditions, breathable, and rain-resistant—all prized qualities in southeast Alaska’s cool, rainy, temperate rainforest. She’s worn them hiking, sledding, foraging, fishing, and kid-wrangling (which is a part of most her activities) and is planning to wear them hunting when Sitka blacktail season kicks off.

They have several big pockets, including the typical hand-sized front pockets and big, snap-closed pockets at about mid-thigh that are handy for things you might want easy access to and have proven handy multiple times.

She was initially afraid they would be too tight in the waist—the waist to hip ratio looks smaller than hers when you hold the pants up in front of you—but they’re not; these pants are wonderfully stretchy, and even if they were too small, the design has a little flexibility built in. They are a bit long for her legs, but again, the pants have flexibility built into them—a series of snaps at the bottom means you can roll them up if that’s the case.

They’re also—she hesitated to say it for eminently practical, outdoorsy, camouflage pants with thigh pockets—not unflattering. Designed by women for women, they’re practical, high quality, and versatile both for a variety of weather conditions and a variety of bodies. She’s a fan and looks forward to more from Ditale. 

Ditaleoutdoors.com; $179


Bjorn Dihle is Alaska magazine's gear editor and a lifelong resident of southeast Alaska. You can follow him at instagram.com/bjorndihle or facebook.com/BjornDihleauthor.

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