Unangax artist Lydia Dirks
Photo courtesy Lydia Dirks.

Lydia Dirks is a 20-year-old Unangax̂ artist living in Unalaska. Follow her work on Instagram @sweetseas.

“If I want other people to take away anything it would probably be revitalization of my culture. I really want to make illustrations based on the folklore in Unangan culture because there’s so much folklore that nobody knows about and I want to be able to illustrate that for people so they get more of an understanding of what it’s trying to say. Also, healing. My art is for me to heal and recover because, sadly, I lost my dad about two years ago. That’s when I started becoming very passionate about art, and then I started sharing it on social media, and it got such an amazing response from my peers and my community. So, whenever people look at my art, I want them to heal from it and I want them to recognize that it is Unangan culture.”


Alexander Deedy formerly worked as the assistant editor and digital content manager for Alaska magazine.

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