A lens on the beasts of the Last Frontier
[photography by Art Wolfe]
INSTEAD OF LISTING ALL THE PLACES, PEOPLE AND WILD CREATURES THAT Art Wolfe has photographed, it might be easier to ask what he hasn’t seen through the frame of his camera lens. He’s spent more than 40 years creating photographs that are recognized around the world for their color, composition and perspective, working on every continent and in hundreds of locations. Wolfe’s work has garnered numerous awards, including Nature’s Best Photographer of the Year, the North American Nature Photography Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Photographic Society of America’s Progress Medal. He hosts a public television show—Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge—that airs worldwide, and has published more than 90 books. We hope you’ll enjoy this selection from Wolfe’s many vivid images of Alaska wildlife.
—Lisa Maloney